
Easy Handmade Stencil Wall

 For our under the stairs play area I stenciled the back wall. There are so many stencils out on the market, however, since I wanted the design to be simple and colorful I decided to go with the arrow pattern that I made myself.
 Just use some card stock paper, an exacto knife and you can make any shape you want. I used colors we already had in our paint supply store basement.

Make sure you tape the sides and hold down the paper when you are paining- that way paint will have less of a chance spilling out.
If you make a mistake, like I did, then you can fix it by using the same wall paint to do any touch ups. Tip: use a fine brush. 
This project cost us literally no money since we had the supplies and paint. It took me about an hour and half. Creating your own stencil is perfect for a small area. However, I wouldn't try this same method on a large wall unless I was doing one color. I really like how it turned out and feel inspired to do something like this again for a future space- maybe our laundry room. 


  1. Thanks for the tutorial- I was wondering where you got the stencils and didn't realize you made them. Great job!

  2. Your wall looks amazing! I have been wanting to stencil but didn't want to spend the money, great idea to make your own. Great job. I am a new follower and have really enjoyed reading your blog.
    Tammy @ thecoloreddoor.blogspot.com
